Sunday, August 17, 2008

Spring is coming!

I know, I know: Fall is coming.

I am not talking about the environmental seasons. I am talking about the season my heart has been in. Joel and the kids have been in WV since Tuesday when my mom went home. I know I have been silent over this time. But I have been praying, praying and praying. It has been nice to find some time to search my heart!

On Wednesday, God revealed that my heart has been in winter. A dark, cold period. I started this blog in my winter season. I am normally a fun loving person. I see the cup as half full instead of half empty. None of you have seen that side of me. God also told me that "Spring is coming!" Wow, I am excited about the warm, sunny feelings to return to my heart!

Thursday I went back to work. I vow it will be a better year!

Friday one of my co-workers gave her notice! Boy the things I could write at this point. I think this resignation is part of my spring. Let's just say, the whole tone of the department is going to be brighter! Not to say I think all the problems lie with this one person, but..... I should just be quiet here. I am on the world wide web and my mom taught me if I have nothing nice to say... then I should say nothing at all!

Over the last few days I have prayed for a fire in my soul, the joy of the Lord and my light to shine brightly. I pray that I will be led by the Holy Spirit each day.

Spring is right around the corner!

1 comment:

Ken said...

I will pray for a long Spring!