Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sonderella's update on Sophia

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Update on Sophie- Praise

Thanks to any of you who has read about Sophie and prayed for her and my family. While this is a terrible, life altering event we still have many things to be thankful for. She is still alive. They did have to put in a feeding tube, but they are trying to get her to eat. Her fevers have diminished. She took a few tentative steps with her special booties on. She has "foot scrubbings" twice daily and is heavily medicated for this.

My sister is staying with her 24/7 and is very much a part of her care even though she is still a ward of the state. We found out this evening that my other sister Donna will be awarded custody upon discharge so praise God for that!! Donna is very busy and has not been able to go back to work as she is adjusting to being a 50 year old taking care of a disabled, mildly demented mother, a 5 year old including school drop off and pick up about 30 minutes away, and a 10 month old who has been very attached to her mom and used to being held. Rose will more than likely be moving in to help once she and Sophie leave Columbus.

My nephew Ben has prayed to receive Christ for the first time in his life!! Big praise for that.

Next items up for prayer in this journey:

The next phase is skin grafts...they are trying to save toes and feet.

Continued prayers for strength for my family who is still grieving my dad's death and already struggling emotionally. Although all of us have said a prayer of thanks that dad is in heaven and not here to see this-it would have done him in.

Prayers for a floor. My parents home has been deemed safe except for the kitchen and hallway floors which are a bit heaved in some places and sagging in others. The linoleum has been ravaged by these floor shifts. This has to be fixed before Sophie can live there which is expected to be in about 3 weeks. Mom thinks she, Tina (my dear, dear loving, giving niece) and Donna just may be able to do this....hmmm. Dad was the carpenter who always figured this stuff out (remember he planned and designed his own room to die in) so this will be our first building project without him to tell everyone what to do.

We still don't know what will happen to Ben's wife, Sarah, but have heard the state will prosecute to the full extent of the law. She is 19, uneducated, and from a terrible background. She was negligent by being outside on cell phone with the children inside the house, but she is not abusive. She just never considered that such a thing could happen. I don't think she even understands what all of this means or how serious her punishment may be...that she will lose her children.

That's everything as I know it. Thank you for continued prayer. God is good in the worst of storms.

Posted by Sondie at 8:23 PM 0 Footprints

Sonderella had a great entry so I just copied it here! Thanks Sonderella!

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