Sunday, September 7, 2008


We went for a 3-4 mile walk today. We saw all shapes and sizes as we walked. I saw some legs I would trade my legs for. Of course, as Malakhi put it, they would never look right with the rest of my body all jiggly! Aren't kids honest? LOVE THEM! I know I will never look like Barbie.

She is a FREAK of NATURE anyway! Who wants to look like that? ME! But I have long given up on that idea. My goal is to not look like this......

I'm okay for now and I will keep working to be healthy. My elliptical is broken so now I have to find other ways to get my exercise! :o)

1 comment:

sweettea said...

I tried leaving a comment earlier, but blogger has a love-hate relationship with me. Let's try this time!