Sunday, June 7, 2009

Counting Calories

I have officially become a calorie counter. How did this happen? I have never been a dieter in my life: however, I was heavier than my doctor wanted me to be prior to becoming a calorie counter. It all started when Joel downloaded the Lose it app to my phone and challenged me to a duel. Just let me say, he quit within a week!

I have been counting calories for four months. I have lost sixteen pounds. I am in the range my doctor has wanted me to be in for the last three to four years. I have spoken to my doctor several times to make sure I was being health. She reassured me I was.

Sixteen pounds! I have people concerned for me. I think it is because of my mothers death. I had been counting calories for two months prior to her death and no one really noticed the weight loss because it was minimal. But now that I have lost sixteen pounds people are noticing. I admit grieving is hard. At times I didn't eat as well as I should at the time of my mothers death but I am making sure to eat at least as many calories as the doctor advised me to eat. I have also realized that my mom was unhealthy and her weight didn't help her any. I don't want to have my weight to be an issue with my health. My blood pressure has been really good since I lost the weight too. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the young age of 37. It wasn't because I was over weight, but I was at the top of my acceptable weight. I am still not at the bottom. I want to lose a few more pounds to be at the bottom so I can have some room to breath.

Why? I want to be healthy. I want to be around for my kids for many more years to come. Counting calories has worked for me because it makes me accountable for the food I put in my mouth. The lose it app is great because it simplifies a task and minimizes the amount of time it takes to keep track. I would recommend counting calories. I have complained for the last several years about being too heavy. I had starting exercising and thought the weight would fall off because it always did when I was in my twenties. It doesn't work that way now that I am close to forty! Now I have to eat less and exercise.

Forty! Am I really going to be forty soon? Wow, a year and I will be getting ready to celebrate forty years in this life! I hope to be in better shape and weigh a few more pounds less than now!

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