Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day!

We had a great snow day! We have 6 inches of snow outside. I have worked on homework a good part of the day. I didn't even do any laundry: I always do laundry on Saturday! I even baked some homemade oatmeal raisin cookies and homemade mac and cheese! I have never made oatmeal cookies before and they turned out really good. Of course, there were some without raisins for the man who won't eat them with raisins. :o) I love him anyway!

We moved my desk into the corner of my bedroom. Why you ask? Well, the dining room was too noisy and it was annoying to keep asking everyone to be quiet. I found I was able to concentrate better in my quiet bedroom. Only problem... now everyone comes to my room and makes noise! LOL! Oh well, I am just thankful that I am loved! As for my class, I am still struggling along. Hopefully now that I have a more quite place to work I will "get" it! Getting that 4.0 has really caused me to pressure myself to get it again. Oh, be praying, I applied for a scholarship! I sure could use the money to pay towards my classes! I know God will provide no matter what!

God is good and I am thankful! The snow is beautiful! Hope your day was blessed!

1 comment:

fingerprints said...

You can lock the door though!