Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Apple Tree

Several years ago I was cutting an apple up for the kids, myself and my dad to eat. We were sharing. When I cut the apple open 5 seeds had started to sprout. My dad was amazed that the seeds had sprouted inside the apple. He decided he was going to plant them and see if they would grow. The kids were probably 2 and 4 years old. They are now 9 and almost 11.

He tended these little seeds and one of them grew into a small tree. He wanted me to have the little tree. I planted it in the front yard of the house we moved away from in August 2008. I wanted to move the tree to our new house but had to wait until it was the right time of the year.

A few weeks ago when my mom was visiting, her last visit, we wanted to move the apple tree. It wasn't in bloom enough to move. I was disappointed because I thought it would be great for my mom to witness the move.

Yesterday the tree was moved to it's new home. I promised mommy and daddy I would get the tree moved and I did. I am so appreciative of my brother in law Aaron and his new wife. They were such a big help.

I know my mom and dad do not live in this tree, but it matters. My Daddy and I shared the apple that this tree came from. It reminds me of the green thumb my daddy had. He could grow anything! I hope my tree lives. It is wilted right now, but I know we have done the best we can to help it survive.

Once the tree grows up, I want to place a bench under it so I can sit and think about the hands that lovingly planted that little seed. If I could only have the faith of a little seed the season I am in would not seem so hard.

Happy Easter. Celebrate because Jesus is alive and I have hope of seeing my mom and dad again. I do have faith in that!

Blessings to you and yours. :o)

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