Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I miss my mom!

I miss my mom. I talk to her on the phone everyday. Since Sophia got injured and moved in mom's house I haven't talked to her as much. I have still called, but she has become a woman of few words. Let's just say....things have been tough around there. So tough that mom has gone to my brother's house. Let's call him "the big bad wolf".

I know, I know.... how terrible of me! If you have followed my blog for very long you will understand. I just can't call my mom. I don't call my brother's house when mom isn't there so I won't call when she is there. I told mom I would let her do the calling, but I really miss her. I haven't talked to her for over 5 days. I can't remember the last time I went that long without talking to her. It has been at least over 10 years! I guess this is preparation for the future.

But..... I miss my mom!

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