I walked a couple of miles today. It felt good. It was cool and crisp.
While I walked I prayed. I realized how much my dad was the glue that held the family together. It still amazes me how he was such a quiet, stabilizing, gentle force. I miss him terribly.
I am having a difficult time dealing with the holiday's this year. We are supposed to go home to WV to visit my husband's family. I want to make the trip short. Why? I can tell you it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. I want to be home to decorate for Christmas. Traffic is always bad from WV. I want a day to rest. I want to come home on Friday, rest and get ready for the week on Saturday. Sunday is always busy. Elisabeth has Cotillions and we have small group that evening. I wished Joel understood. He just doesn't. He wants to run the whole time. I am always so tired to go back to work on Monday. I think it does have a little to do with my malfunctioning family. I feel like an orphan. I don't have a home to go to. If you know my family and the turmoil right now you might understand that statement. If you don't understand and think I am being ridiculous, just pray for me. I can cry at the tiniest things. The wind, the leaves rustling, the mention of family. You name it.
I am trying to embrace the holiday's with a festive spirit. I am planning a Christmas party for all the little girls in Elisabeth's class at school. I think it will a good way to celebrate. I hope it is fun. I am planning some activities the girls should enjoy!
Walking was a good stress reliever today!
We need to get together SOON. Can you do dinner on a Tuesday night? Is there a Saturday the whole fam could come over?
you were once an orphan now u are a child of the king. love, lynn
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