Sunday, September 28, 2008

Surgery is scheduled

Good Afternoon special prayer warriors,

I first want to say "Thank you" again for storming the gates of Heaven on Sophia's behalf. My entire family appreciates you!

Sophia has had to be given blood this week. She will be given blood again prior to surgery. I do not know the time of the surgery but I know it will happen on Tuesday unless God miraculously heals her. They will take donor skin from her thighs to repair her feet. Pray for better pain control for her. Pray for my sister. She is soooo tired. She has been at the hospital for 16 days straight. She has neglected her own needs and served Sophia selflessly. She is completely exhausted. I am worried about her.

The hearing for Sarah (the mom) is sometime on Monday. We aren't sure what will come of that either. Pray for Ben. He is such a new Christian and this has been very difficult.

Donna continues to care for my mother, Maddie and Faith. She is working full time and has a lot on her as well. My sister Sondie and I are so far away we are of no use to them. We continue to pray and intercede for them all.

I want you to know that we are not defeated. We are Victorious in Christ. We see God's fingerprints all over this situation. He will continue to be faithful and direct us as a family. We have continued to seek God's healing for Sophia. Her feet and toes have been preserved! Praise the Lord! We thought she was going to lose them all, but Praise God she is not going to lose them. He is FAITHFUL!

God Bless you all!


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