Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tagged! Thanks Sonderella!

Here are the rules:

1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write six random things about yourself
3. Tag six people at the end of your blog
4. If you are tagged, just do it and pass the tag along

1. The picture is me and the watermelon I grew. I like to plant and grow things. I used to grow tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, and this tiny watermelon. My strawberries and tomatoes were the best. The roses out front of my new house might survive. My dad had a green thumb. He could grow anything. He grew an apple tree from an apple he and I ate. It is planted at the house we are about to sell. We are supposed to move it. I pray this happens. He also grew a lemon tree from a seed. Sonderella has it.

2. As a kid we had farm animals. My fifth grade teacher gave me and Sonderella chickens for our birthday. I got a rooster and Sondie got a hen. My roosters name was "Philip Diller" because he had feathers on top of his head that looked like Phyllis Diller's hair! He was black and white. We had cows, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, sheep and pigs of course. Not all at the same time though.

3. I used to like to sing to the turkeys because they would look up at me. I would sing the song "Dream" by the Everly Brothers. I know this is weird! I actually put this in print! LOL! The funny thing is we had some great turkey dinners! They were the yummiest ever! I know kids today would not think of raising and eating the same animal. It was that or not have turkey.

4. I am a dental hygienist and the joke of the family is: "I hated to brush my teeth and probably never did!" This is proven in the nickname my beloved Sonderella gave me and every kid on the bus started calling me. To say the least, I came home crying that day! The nickname.....dare I share it..... "Susie Sewer". Boy, that was hard to type! Did it correct my lack of dental hygiene....NO! That came with age and education. I am pleased to say I still have my teeth. LOL!

5. I am a teacher. I teach dental hygiene. Why does this matter? I hated school! I was a very bad student!

6. In spite of hating school I was the first college graduate of my family. I graduated with my bachelor degree from WVU in a record four years. My Bachelor of Science even. Once I found a field of study I loved I did very well.

I guess from reading this you can see I "bloomed" late! I am supposed to tag people, but don't know who to tag. I don't think Ken or Lynn have been tagged (if so ignore my tag) maybe Jules (if you are still reading).

Be Blessed today!

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