Monday, September 15, 2008

Unexpected Snow Storm

Have you ever experienced a snow storm in the spring? It used to amaze me how spring had hit full blown and then 2 feet of snow would fall. Inevitably on Easter! Well that is what I feel like this weekend has been. A snow storm in the middle of my spring! My heart is still in spring. I can tell by the occurrences of this weekend that we are at Easter in my hearts calendar! Why you may ask? Well, the saving Grace that Jesus offered us when he rose from the grave was seen last night. My nephew Ben, Sophia's dad, gave his heart to Jesus.

After leaving the hospital he could not run from God any longer. My mom has being instrumental in helping him answer the call of the Lord. He was bawling and had turned around to find someone to pray with him. Then suddenly, my mom happen to ring his phone. At that moment, he asked her to help him find a preacher! The heavens are rejoicing! He said God has been dealing with him since my Dad passed away. Praise the Lord!

Update on Sophia-the family is starting to get a little more information from the staff in Columbus. The surgeons team will re-examine Sophia again today, but they think she still has good skin on the bottoms of her feet! Please continue to pray. I appreciate all you prayer warriors out there!

God is Good even in the unexpected snow storms of spring! I knew God was going to use this for Good. Romans 8:28!

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