Monday, June 30, 2008

I've been tagged by upsidedown B!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had just brought home my new baby, so I was "adjusting" and learning to breast feed (sorry for all you guys who are reading this). I was tired from lack of sleep but so in LOVE. My arms were finally full and not empty! Biz is such an answer to prayer. She was my promise from God! What a great memory of God's faithfulness! I needed to be reminded of that!
2. Five Items on Your To Do List Today: 1)Submit grades for the summer, 2) Take Khi to the orthodontist( poor boy's teeth are all crowded up), 3) Figure out what to cook for dinner, 4) Cook dinner, and 5) Exercise at least 30 minutes for health benefits because the weight issue doesn't respond! LOL!
3. Snacks I enjoy: Ice Cream (any), popcorn.... I know I have the salty and sweet thing going on!
4. What would you do if you were a billionaire? Quit my full time job and work only part-time.. no, come to think of it.... I would just volunteer for fun. I would build my mom a new house. One that she could get around in. Travel, not just for fun but to spread the good news.
5. Places you would live. Cary NC, an oceanfront house probably Wilmington, NC.
6. Bloggers I am tagging. I'll do Julie @ life under our roof. Let's just say I have a small circle of blogging buddies!

Thanks upsidedown b for tagging me. I needed to look back at God's faithfulness and be reminded of his faithfulness for the future! :o)

1 comment:

Lynn Cross said...

Hey Susie, I took your one word challenge too. I like being able to keep up with you. I am sad that sondie quit her blog. Love, Lynn Cross