Sunday, June 1, 2008

16 years later

Sixteen years and two children after the "I do". Where have the years gone? Our marriage fits like an old comfy shoe. We are just comfortable. Thursday evening Joel was in a foul mood so I just avoided him and went to bed. Fourteen years ago it would have been a fight. Maturity is amazing. Not that I am always able to act so. I would have taken his mood personally, now I just let him have his mood. I know he does the same for me. I guess that is why I think of this marriage as a comfy shoe.

A dear friend offered to keep the kids, but we had a baseball game and by the end of the game we knew Khi was not feeling well. I think he has a sinus infection. We had initially set up a sitter to go on a date, but... life with kids happened. We ended up doing nothing for our anniversary. Khi has just needed to be home resting.

I shopped with Sonderella and the girls. That was fun. I always enjoy spending time together.

I watch my kids grow. It makes me a little sad. My Biz is turing into a young lady. I didn't expect it so soon. We are seeing signs of puberty... full fledged puberty! Wow, already.

Lord, help me to stay focused on the important things in life. Help me to trust in you and wait on you.


1 comment:

sweettea said...

Just make sure that shoe don't stank! :oP

PS- Raincheck is available. :o)