Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Constipation and Crochet

What a weird title. It represents me right now, weird. I have started to crochet dish cloths. Crochet can be such a mindless task. It is amazing how I can still process my thoughts while I crochet. As for the constipation, hmmmm. My mind is completely constipated. As I suffer with my own form of constipation my dad is dealing with constipation of his bowels. The pain medications being used to help him be comfortable causes him to become constipated. He will have to start using stool softners. Wonder if there are any available for my form of constipation? Prozac maybe!

As I go through my angry stage the word comfortable irritates me....comfortable. How can anyone possibly think dying is comfortable! I am definitely not comfortable with this process! Will I ever be? I am not sure, but hope I get a grip on myself.

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