Wednesday, April 2, 2008


My mom needed a time out today. I know that statement sounds weird, but my sister asked mom if she needed a time out today because she wasn't dealing with the situation well. All of the activity is too much for her. She acts like she has it all together. It amazes me how a woman with such strength in the past can be so weak now. It is called dementia. We have seen it for several years and it always gets worse when stress is high. Well, stress is definitely high right now and her dementia is roaring. Every little thing impacts mommy right now.

It is hard to accept my daddy dying. It is hard to see my mom check out. I can understand because I want to check out too. I suppose after 51 years together checking out might be easier for mommy than the reality of living without daddy. If I can't imagine life without daddy it has to be much harder for mommy. The million dollar question is.... Will mommy be checked out forever or will she come back to us? Only God knows. I don't say that lightly. God is good even in the hard times.

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