Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Windows. Windows are an openings in a solid wall. The opening allows things to pass through or peer into. Things that pass through might be a cool breeze on a warm sunny day. That is a wonderful thought. Something else that might pass through could be a baseball that has ricocheted from the baseball bat of a group of boys playing a game in the back yard on a hot summer day! I like both of those thoughts. They bring a smile to my face. What about peer into? What comes to mind? Welllllllll, I think of a peeping Tom (sorry if your name is Tom)! HEHEHE....he would run if he peered through my window! It allows the sun to peer through into a dark room. It allows people to peer inside.

Why am I writing about windows? Well, I received a card today from a dear friend. She was encouraging me to continue to blog. Is the timing coincidental? My last blog entry talked about how vulnerable I feel by sharing on my blog. My friend told me "it's like having a little window into your life that I can look through at any time." That really touched me! She cares enough to want to peer into my little window. It is nice to know people really do care and someone wants to see into me. This blog is a window to my soul. My thoughts. Some of them intimate! Some of them hard to admit...let alone to share. I do not think the timing is a coincidence!

I want this blog to be encouraging, uplifting, funny and thought provoking. I am not sure it is all of those things every time I write, but it is a place for me to be me. Sometimes it is hard to just be true to me.

As I reflect on this year so far it has had it's challenges, but it has also had it's blessings. My family will share blessings and challenges of the day sometimes. I think it is good to have balance. We should not always dwell on the challenges in our lives but also on our blessings. One of my dad's sayings is..."Count your blessings and you will forget about your troubles". Each day we pray with our children at least twice a day. We start by thanking God! And we end by asking God to "keep us happy, healthy and safe in Jesus name."

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

I want my children to be "Thankful" and always "praise" the Lord! It is my responsibility to teach them these things! We teach by example. I want to set a good example for my children.


Help me to be a Godly example for my children, students, co-workers and friends. Not for my glory, but Lord for your glory only! Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you and to count my blessings. Help me to be found praising you always!



sweettea said...

Didn't your dad steal that from Pollyanna? :o)

susanrae said...

My dad never read books or had a tv....maybe it is just an old timers saying??